17 June 2011

The God of No Explanation

My mom used to say she believed in God because of the miracle of how the seasons dependably follow each other, the tides come in and out ... in other words, the natural order. One time I finally replied to her that if I were to believe in God it would be because there is no explanation for the mutations that caused evolution ... nor for an incredibly dense basketball containing all the matter in the universe -- the strength of the gravity pulling all that matter towards the core simply beyond imagination -- to have suddenly exploded in a cosmic orgasm. No explanation for the accidents, the monkey wrenches from outer space, the heartbreaks and the moments of utter joy. If there is a God, I told her, it would be the God of unpredictability and creative chaos, a God of the things for which we have no explanation, not a God of the things we have measured and weighed and documented.

Usually when she and I debated she would eventually throw up her hands and say "You should be a lawyer!" This time she said, "You should be a rabbi!" LOL. Love ya mom, hope you're enjoying the trip out there.

1 comment:

BrunO said...

God was a fool if he really exists! He will not do us the favor to exist, because he knows that we will exploit him to justify our megalomania. So he prefers not to exist!